CRM & Sales

Why Calling Customers is Still Important in Today’s Digital Age

Despite the rise of digital communication, calling customers still has value. By giving leads a call, businesses can stand out from the competition and increase their chances of converting the lead into a customer. In this article, we explore the importance of calling customers and how it can help your business succeed.
April 24, 2023

In today’s digital age, many businesses rely on online marketing strategies to generate leads and conversions. While these tactics can be effective, they often overlook the power of calling leads. According to Forbes, only 27% of leads get contacted via phone, missing out on the potential benefits of personal communication.


Despite the rise of digital communication, calling customers still has value. By giving leads a call, businesses can stand out from the competition and increase their chances of converting the lead into a customer. In this article, we explore the importance of calling customers and how it can help your business succeed.

It Allows for More Personalization

Calling a lead allows for personalized communication and shows that the business is invested in their success. By speaking directly to the lead, the business can address their specific needs and tailor the conversation to their interests. This personalization can help build trust and increase the chances of conversion.

Furthermore, customers want to feel valued and understood. Personalizing communication can help businesses establish a stronger connection with leads, and ultimately, increase their chances of converting them into loyal customers. By taking the time to understand a lead’s needs and providing tailored solutions, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to their customers and build a positive reputation.

Stand Out From The Competition

With so many businesses vying for the same customers, standing out can be a challenge. By picking up the phone and calling a lead, the business shows that they are willing to go the extra mile to earn their business. This can set the business apart from the competition and increase their chances of success.


Phone calls can help businesses establish a more personal connection with their leads, creating a more memorable experience. While email and other digital communication methods can be convenient, they can also be impersonal. By taking the time to call a lead, businesses can demonstrate that they value the lead’s business and are committed to helping them achieve their goals. This can leave a lasting positive impression on the lead and make them more likely to choose the business over its competitors.

More Direct Communication

While email and other digital communication methods can be effective, they can also be impersonal. By calling a lead, the business can engage in more direct communication, allowing for a more in-depth discussion of the lead’s needs and concerns. This can lead to a better understanding of the lead’s situation and increase the chances of conversion.


Picking up the phone and calling leads can allow businesses to address any questions or concerns that a lead may have in real-time. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or miscommunications and ensure that the lead feels heard and understood. By engaging in more direct communication, businesses can establish a stronger connection with their leads, and ultimately, increase their chances of conversion.

Better Lead Response

While digital communication can be effective for some leads, others may require more immediate attention. By calling a lead, the business can ensure a quicker response time and address any urgent needs. This can help build trust and increase the chances of converting the lead into a customer.


Phone calls will establish a sense of urgency and importance. This can demonstrate to leads that their business is valued and taken seriously, which can increase their confidence in the business and make them more likely to convert. By providing better lead response, businesses can establish a positive reputation and build trust with their leads.

Builds and Fosters Connection

As the world becomes more digital, human connection can be valuable. By speaking directly to a lead, the business can establish a connection and build a relationship. This can help create a positive impression and increase the chances of success.


Establish an emotional connection through a phone call with their leads, creating a sense of trust and empathy. When a lead can hear a business representative’s voice, they can get a sense of the person behind the business and develop a better understanding of the business’s values and mission. This can help establish a stronger relationship between the lead and the business, which can increase the lead’s likelihood of conversion. By establishing a human connection, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and build a loyal customer base.

How to Make More Effective Calls

While calling leads can be an effective way to build a connection and increase conversion rates, it’s important to make sure the calls are effective. Here are some tips for making effective calls:


Prepare for the Call: Before making a call, research the lead and their needs. This can help tailor the conversation and show that the business is invested in their success.


Be Respectful of the Lead’s Time: Start the call by asking if it’s a good time to talk and keep the conversation focused on their needs and concerns.


Listen to the Lead: During the call, it’s important to listen to the lead and address their specific concerns. This can help build trust and establish a positive relationship.


Follow-Up: After the call, it’s important to follow-up with the lead to address any additional needs or concerns. This can help build trust and increase the chances of conversion.


By following these tips, businesses can make effective calls that establish a strong connection with their leads and increase their chances of success.

Boost Your Sales Through Personalization

While digital communication methods can be effective for generating leads, calling customers still has value. By personalizing communication, standing out from the competition, engaging in more direct communication, providing a better lead response, and establishing a human connection, businesses can increase their chances of converting leads into customers.


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