
CRM & Sales

Why Focusing on People Make Profits Grow

You invested hours in the perfect Facebook Marketplace ad. Now you need a strong follow-up strategy to ensure you don’t lose those quality leads your automotive marketing generates. How often does a customer ask if a vehicle is available, and the seller hits the automated “Yes, it’s available”? That response is the fastest way to close a conversation and lose the lead. Is there a better way?
February 7, 2023

At a Glance

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You invested hours in the perfect Facebook Marketplace ad. Now you need a strong follow-up strategy to ensure you don’t lose those quality leads your automotive marketing generates.

How often does a customer ask if a vehicle is available, and the seller hits the automated “Yes, it’s available”?

That response is the fastest way to close a conversation and lose the lead. Is there a better way?


Learn how a customer-first approach keeps the conversation going and converts more leads.

Why Are Customer Relationships Important for Automotive Dealers?

Customer relationships build a bridge between your marketing and sales by giving the customer a reason to buy. By investing in the customer, you’re getting to know their needs. Then, you can offer more personalized offers and actions for a higher conversion rate.


For example, some customers might reach out because they’re comparing their options, while others have already decided they want the vehicle and are ready to buy. If you jump right to selling the car without first identifying where the customer is in their buyer’s journey, you might lose a potential future buyer.

3 Tips to Qualifying Facebook Leads through Customer Relationships

Follow these three tips to ace your Facebook Marketplace lead generation strategy through a customer-first approach.

1. Quickly Respond to Inquiries

When you receive inquiries on Facebook Messenger, you want to follow up as fast as possible. Even if you wait just five minutes, your chances of qualifying the lead drop by 80%.

Having in-house agents always available to respond to leads is difficult. So instead, consider outsourcing through an agency familiar with Facebook Marketplace so you can always respond in that golden window for lead qualification.

2. Ask Customer-Centric Question

Before assuming what customers want, take time to get to know the customer. Remember, not all leads that reach out are ready to buy.

Build trust with the customer and find the necessary information for making customized offers by asking questions like:

  • Did you have any questions about this vehicle?
  • Would you like to schedule a vehicle viewing?
  • What kind of vehicle are you looking for?
  • When are you looking to purchase a vehicle?

These questions identify serious buyers and tell you whether they’re ready for sales or would benefit more from an email nurturing campaign.

3. Offer Follow-Up Actions

A good sales agent doesn’t leave their leads hanging. Instead, they always provide the next step to keep the conversation going, even after the lead leaves the chat.

A call-to-action includes:

  • Scheduling a viewing
  • Asking for their email
  • Sharing a link to your website for more information

A customer relationship takes more than one interaction. When you invest in the customer, they are more likely not just to make one sale but become a loyal customer who recommends you to others and returns to you for future purchases.


Convert More of Your Leads

Customer service and diligent follow-up are the only ways to convert leads.

Through DrivingIt, you can automatically post inventory on Facebook Marketplace and quickly respond to incoming leads. Our sales experts consistently connect with leads and qualify them before sending the hot leads directly to your CRM for conversion.


Time to convert more of your hard-earned leads.

Book a demo to learn more about our Facebook lead generation software for automotive dealers. 

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